Logo of the Project

The project is co-financed from the European Union resources within the scope of ESF OPHC Priority VII Promoting of social integration, Action 7.4 Labour market for persons with disabilities.

Total cost of the project: 1 904 910.30 PLN

Duration of the project: 01.06.2013 – 30.06.2015

The project has been prepared in cooperation with non-governmental organization - Widzialni Foundation and Imago Foundation as well as territorial self-government entities - Częstochowa City Office.

the training

Assumptions of the project are based on the diagnosis of persons with disabilities aged 15-27 which revealed:

1. Problems concerning this group:

  • lack of professional activity (mostly this is unemployed persons or jobseekers),
  • low level of education,
  • extended off the job period,
  • limited access to activation tools,
  • low index of employment.

2. Needs of young disabled persons within the scope of professional activation and taking a job:

  • economic - professional work, for which one gets paid is an opportunity to become independent and improve own as well as all family material situation;
  • psychological - professional activity strengthens self-esteem, allows liberating from everyday life, thinking about the sickness of house duties;
  • personal development, getting professional experience using possessed skills and practical knowledge;
  • social - establishing contacts and new relations with other people.

Consultations performed within the content-related area and gathered experience of everyday work and provided support within the scope of other project and statute operations, allowed for adopting the project strategy: ACTIVATION OF YOUNG DISABLED PERSONS SHOULD BE PERFORMED COMPREHENSIVELY, CONSIDERING COMMON TASKS OF NGO AND TERRITORIAL SELF-GOVERNMENT UNITS BASED ON THE SUPPORT PROGRAM:

  • TRAININGS complementing or changing the professional qualifications, providing practical skills, properly selected to skills of the participants, considering their current professional competences, market situation and psycho-social condition (vocational guidance, psychologist support, coaching);
  • INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT FOR EDUCATING ASSISTANTS in the process of education, getting new knowledge and skills;
  • INTERNSHIP that allows acquiring or mastering practical skills and professional qualifications;

It should be noticed that impact of the project in the wider scope applies to representatives of other disabled persons and in the wider perspective employers also, shaping the social and professional perspective of these persons by positive example (provided support, motivation to changes, employment effectiveness).

Goal of the Project

Increase of potential by 50% in the field of social and profession activation - 54 disabled persons (29 women and 25 men), meeting the target group criteria from the area of Częstochowa city and Częstochowa commune within 06-2013 - 06-2015.

The project offers training in the scope of:

  • Websites accessibility,
  • Basics for creating and administering of websites,
  • Network and server administration,
  • Computer graphics,
  • On-line shop, creating sales applications and e-marketing,
  • Tele-marketing.